Webinar series
The Databricks Migration Journey
Best practices and successful strategies
to migrate your data platforms to the Cloud
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The Databricks Migration Journey
More and more organisations of all sizes, across multiple industries, are migrating their legacy analytics platforms to the cloud. Many of these companies are moving to the Databricks Lakehouse.
The Databricks Lakehouse platform is designed to accelerate innovation, enhance productivity and manage costs more effectively, with faster, more efficient infrastructure and DevOps.
In this series of five webinars, the Databricks team, in collaboration with its partners, will share best practice and successful strategies for migration to the cloud and to the Databricks platform.
Below are the sessions we have planned.
Please select the webinars you would like to attend:
Available on-demand (direct access when registering here): Databricks
Top considerations when migrating from Hadoop to Databricks
Through real-life use cases, this session will demonstrate best practices in migrating data workloads and analytics from any Hadoop distribution to Databricks.
Available on-demand (direct access when registering here): Databricks & Qlik
Data migration to the cloud and Modern data integration with Qlik
Available on-demand (direct access when registering here): Databricks & Impetus
Intelligent, automated modernisation of DW, ETL, and analytics workloads
Migrating traditional data warehouses, Hadoop, ETL, and analytics systems to Databricks helps enterprises enhance scalability, reduce costs, and improve business outcomes. But the path to modernisation can be complex and risky. LeapLogic, a world-class cloud accelerator, help ensure a seamless journey to Databricks, while minimizing the risk of business disruption
Join experts from Databricks and Impetus to learn how you can automate and accelerate your cloud transformation pursuit.
Session highlights:
Available on-demand (direct access when registering here): Databricks & BladeBridge & Intricity
Migrate your ETL pipelines to Databricks and scale without limit with BladeBridge
BladeBridge and Databricks have partnered to produce an automated conversion path of all your legacy code into the Databricks path. This configurable path allows organizations to flexibly convert legacy ETL, Database, and other logic into the Databricks platform. The configuration during a conversion is done in partnership with expert System Integrators like Intricity. The team at Intricity has been conducting complex metadata and code conversions with BladeBridge for years.
In this session Databricks, BladeBridge, and Intricity will jointly present both the tooling and practices for rolling out a successful conversion of metadata and code to Databricks.
In this session you will learn:
Available on-demand (direct access when registering here): Databricks & T1A
Modernise Your SAS Workloads to Databricks with T1A
SAS Analytical Platform has been around for many years and comprises different tools, products and solutions that enable a multitude of workloads. Although there is no single way to replace all of them, Databricks makes the perfect platform for replacement of the most popular and widely used SAS tools with its Lakehouse and Managed PySpark, AI & ML capabilities.
In this webinar, we’ll talk about the best practices, a proven methodology and migration acceleration tools & techniques that you can leverage to embrace the power of Databricks and modernize your various SAS workloads.
Session Highlights:
Amine Benhamza
Sr Solution Architect - Migrations specialist
Geoff Birks
Sr Director Partner & Alliances
Christoph Möhrlein
Senior Evangelist Data Integration
Jared Hillam
VP of BladeBridge
VP of Emerging technologies
BladeBridge & Intricity
Dmitriy Alergant
Principal Architect, Solutions Director
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