On Demand Webinar

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) represents the net present value of a future revenue from a customer. Accurately understanding the CLV helps companies better target their marketing and retention programs, optimize customer service and business forecasts, and drive higher revenues and improved margins. This webinar will cover building CLV with Azure Databricks and machine learning, and how we can use this to optimize our customer churn efforts.

In this webinar, we will explore customer data on Azure Databricks by performing common tasks such as:

  • Extracting and loading historical data warehouse customer data.
  • Enriching customer data with external public data sources (such as tax data to enrich the financial demographic information we have on the customers by zip code).
  • Training machine learning models for predicting customer churn.
  • Utilizing a trained model for data scoring and then sharing predictive results.


  • Bob Saker, Retail Industry Leader, Databricks
  • Colby Ford, Data Scientist, Blue Granite

Watch On Demand